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Backing Up Files with our Cloud Service
Backing Up Files with our Cloud Service

Backing up your files is essential to ensure their safety and accessibility.

Updated over a month ago

Our cloud service simplifies this process, offering multiple ways to manage your files efficiently.

Files are the most common and recognizable representation of your data. Your folder structure and files are all visible in a tree structure as you would expect.

Organizing Files in Our Cloud Service

Synchronized files

Files and folders placed in the Sync folder are automatically synchronized across all your devices.

You should place files here that you need access to on all your computers.

You can add files to the Sync folder using the Desktop App, Mobile App, or our web platform.

Shared folders located in the Sync folder can be shared with others, allowing collaboration.

Backed up files

When you back up files and folders, they end up under Backups. All backed-up files are uploaded using the Desktop App.

A backup is a mirror of your selected local folder structure. When you add new files and folders, they are backed up to the cloud. Each connected device or computer will be visible under its respective device name, with backup folders organized beneath the device.

Deleted files are moved to the Trash Can, where they remain for 30 days before permanent deletion


Files you don't want to Synchronize but want to store online, even if you delete them from your Backup can be stored in the Archive.

The Archive is independent of your devices, ensuring files remain safe until you delete them manually.

This feature is ideal for freeing up space on your devices.

Shared files

All the files and folders you share, or someone shares with you, are located under the Shared section on the web platform.

We support two types of sharing:

  • Public Link

  • Shared Folder

Public Link: You can create a public URL that links to a file, a group of files or a folder.

Shared Folder: Invite people to collaborate on folders located in the Sync folder. Shared folders are synchronized to all members of the folder.

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