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Login and basic use with Jottacloud CLI

The basics of the Jottacloud command-line interface

Updated over a week ago

The command-line interface can be used by typing the following command after installation.
 jotta-cli [command]

For a list of all available options, simply type jotta-cli  without any options or commands.

jotta-cli [command]

Available Commands:
add Adds a folder to continuous backup
archive Archive/upload a single file to jottacloud
completion Bash completion for jotta-cli
config Set or get a configuration setting
download Download a file or folder
dump Dump the local backupdatabase
help Help about any command
ignores Set or view ignore files
list List ongoing downloads and information about completed downloads
logfile Prints the path of the logfile
login Login. Necessary for jottad to run
logout Logout. Resets credentials and stop backups
ls List a the contents of a backed up folder
observe Observe ongoing uploads and/or downloads
pause Pause jottad for an amount of time
rem Stop backing up a current backup folder
resume Resume jottad if paused
scan Trigger a scan of one or more backupfolders
status Shows you the state of the system right now
tail Watch the logfile stream
trash Manage your remote trashcan
version Show version information
web Open jottacloud website
webhook Manage webhooks

-h, --help help for jotta-cli
--host string the ip address of the host jottad is running on (default "")
--port string the port jottad is listening on (default "14443")

Use "jotta-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Log in and create device

The first thing you need to do is log in and setup the device on Jottacloud.

jotta-cli login

  1. Accept the terms and conditions of Jottacloud

  2. Input your Personal Login Token ( go to to generate a token ).

  3. Give your device a name.

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