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Selectively ignore folders inside the Sync Folder in Jottacloud CLI

Choose top-level folders to ignore inside your Sync Folder

Updated over 3 years ago

Selective Sync

Sometimes it is desirable to choose certain folders to not sync to your device. This could either be because it exists in the cloud and you don't want to download it to one of your devices, or because it exists on your local device and you don't want to upload it to your sync folder.

Note: Selective sync only works with top-level folders. If a folder is selectively ignored, the contents will not be deleted from either or your local device.

Setting up selective sync during initialisation

You may be shown an option to setup selective sync during the initial sync setup. This is only displayed if you have folders existing in your sync folder online, or in the local folder you selected to sync to. It will appear with the prompt:

The existing sync folder on contains N folders
jotta-cli can selectively ignore one or more of these folders if you do not wish to sync the data to this device
Do you want to setup selective sync? (y/n):

Type n to skip this step or y to begin.

The top-level folders inside your sync folder will be listed. Type in the names of a folder you want to ignore and then press enter. It will now not be synced. When you are done, just press enter without typing anything else in.

Setting up selective sync after initialisation

To restart the selective sync setup process, run:

jotta-cli sync selective set

This will clear the existing selective sync config and run the setup process again.

Adding folders to selectively ignore

Individual folders can be added to the ignore list:

jotta-cli sync selective add FOLDER_NAME

Note that this will not delete the contents of the folder on either or in your local sync folder.

Seeing all currently selectively ignored folders

A list of all currently ignored folders can be retrieved:

jotta-cli sync selective list

Removing folders from the ignore list

Folders that you want to start syncing again can be removed from the selective ignore list:

jotta-cli sync selective rem FOLDER_NAME

When this is done the contents of the local folder and the remote folder will be merged.

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